
About Admin

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So far Admin has created 93 blog entries.

2016 MLS Award Winners

By |2018-06-05T20:39:53+00:00May 1st, 2018|MLS Award Winners|

Gold Laurie Appleton Jerry Bola Yuan Chen Rick Couvelier Susan de Stein Jerry Du Aaron Hambley Bo Han Daniel Hsu Ivica Kalabric Eli Mavrikos David Scotney Li Xian Song Ann Watley Claire Yoo

2015 MLS Award Winners

By |2018-06-05T20:40:07+00:00May 1st, 2018|MLS Award Winners|

Gold Laurie Appleton Jerry Bola Yuan Chen Rick Couvelier Justin Cownden Susan de Stein Daniel Hsu Ivica Kalabric Eli Mavrikos David Scotney Li Xian Song Claire Yoo Silver Greg Burke Chris Cochrane

2014 MLS Award Winners

By |2018-06-05T20:40:19+00:00May 1st, 2018|MLS Award Winners|

Gold Jerry Bola Greg Burke Rick Couvelier Susan de Stein Ivica Kalabric Adia Mavrikos Eli Mavrikos David Scotney Li Xian Song Silver Yuan Chen Kerry Couvelier Justin Cownden Jerry Du Pat Guiney

2013 MLS Award Winners

By |2018-06-05T20:40:30+00:00May 1st, 2018|MLS Award Winners|

Gold Jerry Bola Nicole Burgess Rick Couvelier Mark Imhoff Jane Johnston Ivica Kalabric Kyle Kerr Greg Long Eli Mavrikos Nancy Vieira Silver Ross Casey Kerry Couvelier Susan de Stein Richard Gadoury Pat

Our Historic Esquimalt in Beautiful Victoria, BC

By |2018-05-29T22:03:04+00:00March 25th, 2018|Historical Vancouver Island, Tourism BC, Vancouver Island Neighbourhoods, Victoria Real Estate Market|

Most of us know Esquimalt as a pleasant seaside community full of parks, waterways, and fabulous local real estate. Only ten minutes outside of Downtown Victoria, it is easily one of the most sought after

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